Liquid Printer, Inc. has created an easy-to-understand policy. Read it carefully because it is the important part of the site.
User Provided Information
For the user of our site, we are recording standard technical information, such as the IP address. If you choose to register, Liquid Printer asks you to provide your name, phone number, e-mail address, company name, and physical address.
Liquid Printer, Inc. uses cookies (a small text file containing an alphanumeric character string) to manage its website and provide you with a more customized and user-friendly service.
Log File
When you sign in to our site, our servers automatically record specific information your web browser sends whenever visiting any website. These server logs can include information such as web request, Internet Protocol (IP), browser type, browser language, post/exit pages and URLs, platform type, clicks, domain name, pages destination and viewed pages.
Customer's Data
We encourage you to send us your comments and questions. We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the security of your personal information. We do not share personal information about our customers with anyone outside the company unless it is required to process orders.
Liquid Printer may contain hyperlinks to third-party websites; such hyperlinks are just for reference only. We do not control such third-party sites, and we are not responsible for their content or the products and services provided by them. Our inclusion of hyperlinks to such sites does not imply endorsement of the material on this site or any association with their operators.
Copyright Notice
All users and visitors must acknowledge that all content contained on this site without limitation, information, data, software, photographs, graphics, fonts, graphics, images, illustrations, maps, drawings, icons, written materials and other materials are the property of Liquid Printer Inc.
Any posting, transmitting or conveying of any profane, abusive, defamatory, threatening, vulgar, harassing, unlawful, libelous or otherwise objectionable information or material is prohibited and shall be subject to prosecution under applicable law.



graphic designing

setup fees

hidden charges

from 50 boxes